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Why horses in RDA?


In a nutshell, the horses’ gaits are similar to that of humans. When two spines align, the movement of a horse’s hip helps our physically challenged riders to ‘walk’ and promote the sensory stimulation in the hope to improve their core/muscle tone.

For mentally challenged riders, horse riding improves their body/spatial awareness (balance, coordination, motor skills etc.), muscle tone, concentration, cooperation, behaviour/discipline and confidence.

What breed of horses are used in RDA? Any special training for them?


Any breed can be used for RDA sessions, but only after careful selection and proper training. The horses used for RDA should be calm and able to tolerate our riders and the RDA environment, which will be monitored from time to time.

What is the difference between RDA and Hippo Therapy?


Riding for the Disabled (RDA) is a sports-based programme, with therapy value, while Hippo Therapy is an actual therapy session supervised by either physiotherapists, occupational therapists or SLP therapists. They are governed by different organisations and hence different qualifications are required for their respective instructors.

How do I know if my child is suitable for the RDA programme? What is the cost?


Once you submit your registration form, our instructor will arrange for an assessment and trial ride to determine whether your child is suitable for our RDA programme. Since RDA-BK started in 1994, our sessions are free of charge, thanks to the continuous support of BKECR and our committed volunteers.

Any specialised tack or equipment used in RDA?


Depending on the rider’s disability, we use specialised tack such as loop/bar/ladder reins, toe stoppers, monkey bar, belt, rubber band etc.

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